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Corporate Governance

Boliden is a Swedish public limited company listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. Boliden’s corporate governance is based on the Swedish Annual Accounts Act, the Swedish Companies Act, NASDAQ Stockholm’s regulations for issuers, the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance, and other applicable legislation and regulations.

In addition to the rules and regulations, the Group's Lean-based production philosophy Boliden Production System (BPS) is used, as well as internal control documents such as the Boliden Internal Control System (BICS), and the Boliden Management System (BMS) which is the Group's integrated management system for health and safety, environment, energy and quality. In BMS, the Group also has policies in several areas, including Boliden's Code of Conduct which all employees must know and act in accordance with.

Governance navigation 1

Annual General Meetings

The Annual General Meeting is the company’s supreme decision-making body through which shareholders exercise their influence in the company. The Annual General Meeting 2024 was held on Tuesday April 23 in Boliden.

Annual General Meetings

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is appointed by Boliden’s owners to bear ultimate responsibility for the company’s organisation and the management of the company’s affairs in the best interests of both Boliden and the shareholders.

Board of Directors

Group Management

In addition to the President, the Group's executive management consists of the heads of Boliden's two business areas Mining and Smelters, the Finance Director and the Director for Corporate Responsibility (CR).

Group Management

Board Committees

The Audit Committee prepares matters and supports the board within the areas of internal control, accounting and quality assurance for Boliden's financial reporting.

The Remuneration Committee submits proposals for resolution by the Board regarding salary and other terms of employment for the Group Management.

Board committees

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Guidelines for compensation

Proposals by the Board and resolutions on guidelines for compensation to senior executives must be presented to the shareholders at the AGM at least every four years.

Guidelines for compensation

Nomination committee

The Nomination Committee represents Boliden’s shareholders and is tasked with preparing and presenting proposals for resolutions that Boliden’s shareholders vote on at the Annual General Meeting.

Nomination committee


The external auditor is an independent reviewer of Boliden's accounts to ensure that they provide a fair, accurate and complete portrayal of the company's position and economic performance.


Articles of association

Articles of Association regarding Boliden AB (publ), 556051-4142.

Articles of association


Boliden Head Office

Boliden Group
Klarabergsviadukten 90
P.O. Box 44, SE-101 20 Stockholm 
Tel: + 46 8 610 15 00
Fax: + 46 8 654 80 90